Références bibliographiques


La clef des sons - Bernard Auriol - éditions Erès - 1994

Le livre des techniques du son (Tomes 1, 2 & 3 ) - direction Denis Mercier - éditions Dunod - 1998

Son et enregistrement, théorie et pratique - Francis Rumsey & Tim McCormick - éditions Eyrolles - 2000

Handbook for sound engineers - direction Glen Ballou - éditions Focal Press - 2002

L’audionumérique - Curtis Roads - éditions Dunod - 1998

An introduction to digital audio - John Watkinson - éditions Focal Press - 1994

Techniques des haut-parleurs et enceintes acoustiques - Pierre Loyez - éditions Dunod - 1998

La prise de son stéréophonique - Christian Hugonnet & Pierre Walder - éditions Eyrolles - 2000

Le couple variable - Michael Williams - 1991


Operational limits of the variabl M/S stéréophonic microphone
system - Michel Williams - 1990 - 88th AES convention in Montreux - preprint 2931

Early reflections and reverberant field distribution in dual microphone stéréophonic sound recording systems - Michel Williams - 1991 - 91st AES convention in New-York - preprint 3155

Microphone arrays for natural multiphony - Michel Williams - 1991 - 91st AES convention in New-York - preprint 3157

Frequency dependant hybrid microphone arrays for stereophonic sound recording - Michel Williams - 1992 - 92nd AES convention in Wien - preprint 3252

The quick reference quide to multichannel microphone arrays - Michel Williams, Guillaume Le Dû - 2001 - 110th AES convention in Amsterdam - preprint 5336

Multichannel sound recording using , 4 and 5 channel arrays for front soun stage coverage - Michel Williams - 2004 - 117th AES convention in San Francisco - preprint 6230

The recording angle based on localisation curves - Helmut Wittek, Günther Thiele - 2002 - 112nd AES convention in Munich - preprint 5568


M.M.A.D - Michael Williams

Image Assistant 2.0 - Helmut Wittek
